Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What's Up in 2017?

Goodbye 2016 and
Helloooo 2017, Year of the Rooster!  

Most of us are born under the year of the Snake, which makes this year a lucky one for us, indeed!  Although we were off to a slow but steady start last year, we are now ready to gear up and go go go for the months to come!

The year 2016 brought us together through the formation of the SSCHS1994 Alumnae Association officers and committees, SEC registration of our corporation, opening of our corporate bank checking account, monthly core group meetings, completion of our batch directory, setting-up of network communication channels through social media, sounding-off of the group's early start with SSAFI, garage sale, kick-off party, and our very first successful movie block screening of Fantastic Beasts at SM Aura.  We are very thankful for the growing support you guys have been giving so far.  We are truly looking forward to seeing more of you beautiful ladies in the months to come! 

Active batchmates have been tediously working on upcoming events that will surely spark interest in all of us, together with our friends and families.  Let’s not forget, proceeds of these events will go to our homecoming fund and charity programs of the St. Scholastica's Alumnae Foundation, Inc. (SSAFI).

Let me share with you some of the wonderful events we have lined up for 2017 so you can mark your calendars and save these important dates!

Launch of first merchandise items:
NinetyFource Memopads and Bloo Sunscreen
March 18             
Beauty and the Beast Movie Block Screening

(Powerplant Cinema)
June 3
Wonder Woman Movie Block Screening
(Powerplant Cinema)
August 3
Ninetyfore Golf Tournament
(Orchard Golf and Country Club)

October 21
NinetyFource Bowling Tournament
(Batch 1994 Annual Get-Together Party)

Launch of next batch of merchandise item:
Bloo Eau De Toilette
December 13/17
Star Wars Movie Block Screening
(Powerplant Cinema)

*And some more garage sales and fitness activities in between dates.

Watch out for updated announcements, posters and ticket sales on our Facebook page 

Please take time to read emails coming from for some important reports and updates we wish to inform you privately.

Your attendance and help in any of these activities are very welcome.  Feel free to contact us by commenting on this post or messaging our Facebook account.  Let's all rock 2017 on the road to 2019!

By Kat Villanueva - Lopez

SSCHS1994 Publications Team

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